- past broadcasts

This page lists all 26 of the past broadcasts for the channel

Total video views: 2,444,985.

Total games played: 11.

Total broadcast hours: 74 (3 days).

Average length of broadcast: 2h 49m 47s.

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DateDayTime (UTC)GameTitleRuntimeViews
2022-02-10Thursday23: 34LOST ARK[!Drops ON] - !IsItP2W - Lost Ark (Ladon / Artillerist)! \o/02:05:5345643
2022-02-10Thursday19: 35LOST ARK[!Drops ON] - !IsItP2W - Lost Ark (Ladon / Artillerist)! \o/01:00:5029062
2022-02-10Thursday12: 40LOST ARK[!Drops ON] Lost Ark (Ladon / Artillerist)! \o/ #Ad - !Merch04:23:18188566
2022-02-09Wednesday23: 23LOST ARK[!Drops ON] Lost Ark (Ladon / Artillerist)! \o/ #Ad - !Merch01:46:1550079
2022-02-09Wednesday18: 30LOST ARK[!Drops ON] Lost Ark! \o/ - !Merch in 2 days! - #EpicPartner02:33:1477381
2022-02-09Wednesday12: 51Dying Light 2: Stay HumanDying Light 2 (Main Story), Sifu & LOST ARK (Ladon / Shootyb04:44:47155339
2022-02-09Wednesday15: 44SifuGame change  
2022-02-09Wednesday17: 31LOST ARKGame change  
2022-02-08Tuesday23: 40LOST ARK!Drops ON - Lost Ark / Cohhboom / LADON - Sifu & Dying Light01:22:4548344
2022-02-08Tuesday12: 27Dying Light 2: Stay HumanDying Light 2! - Ollie Ollie & Lost Ark (12pm ET) later! - !08:33:39501602
2022-02-08Tuesday14: 55OlliOlli WorldGame change  
2022-02-08Tuesday16: 58LOST ARKGame change  
2022-02-07Monday23: 33Dying Light 2: Stay HumanCozy Dying Light 2 - !SifuThoughts - !DL2Thoughts - #EpicPar02:05:2254243
2022-02-07Monday17: 46Dying Light 2: Stay HumanDying Light 2 - Main Story! - !DL2Thoughts - #EpicPartner Cr03:10:2098244
2022-02-07Monday13: 17SifuSifu & Dying Light 2 (!DL2Thoughts) - #EpicPartner Creator C03:30:42151167
2022-02-06Sunday23: 04SifuSifu & Dying Light 2 tonight (!DL2Thoughts) - #EpicPartner C02:20:3668699
2022-02-06Sunday00: 34Dying Light 2: Stay HumanGame change  
2022-02-06Sunday12: 50Sifu!SIFU \o/ - Dying Light 2 tonight (!DL2Thoughts) - #EpicPart04:08:46215500
2022-01-13Thursday19: 29Dying Light 2: Stay Human(Keep)Dying2Know (!DyingLight 2 preview event #ad) - !NewYT 01:38:1663116
2021-12-31Friday19: 02Path of Exile(Keep)HAPPY NEW YEAR! \o/ - Path of Exile! #ad02:02:1840784
2021-12-27Monday23: 52The Curse of Monkey Island(Keep)The Curse of Monkey Island! - Sponsored by !Norton 36001:42:4327013
2021-12-16Thursday12: 54Warframe(Keep)!Warframe: The NEW WAR! \o/ - #Sponsored 04:07:3881896
2021-12-15Wednesday23: 16Warframe(Keep)!Warframe: The NEW WAR! \o/ - Drops on! - #Sponsored -02:15:0640835
2021-12-13Monday12: 51Tales of Monkey Island(Keep)Tales from Monkey Island! - Sponsored by !Prime Gaming03:09:0885944
2021-11-15Monday23: 52Final Fantasy XIV Online(Keep)Cozy FFXIV! - Sponsored by !Norton Gaming01:40:3927175
2021-11-12Friday17: 59Battlefield 2042(Keep) Battlefield 2042! - #SponsoredByEA03:10:1477911
2021-11-09Tuesday17: 46LOST ARK(Keep)Lost Ark (!Drops #ad) 02:27:2957311
2021-11-08Monday17: 31LOST ARK(Keep) LostArk #ad 02:11:1860009
2021-10-28Thursday14: 53Far Cry 6(Keep)Far Cry 6! - Sponsored by !GeForceNOW - Darkwood tonig02:21:4762689
2021-10-14Thursday17: 46Path of Exile(Keep)Path of Exile (Scourge League) announcement! - Creator01:19:2036716
2021-08-21Saturday11: 04Final Fantasy XIV OnlineFFXIV (Main Story Quest!) - !GSF & CozyQuest this evening! (03:42:1399717

Page generated: 2022-02-11 12:00:11 UTC